Shop Heroes Wikia
Albert Albert Azula Azula Charles Charles Francesca Francesca Melina Melina Minh Minh Mojian Mojian Nya Nya Oneira Oneira
Alicia Alicia Clovis Clovis Edward Edward Fiora Fiora Gauvin Gauvin Karal Karal Kurul Kurul Lancaster Lancaster Theor Theor Yue Yue
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"Karal hails from the plains. She appears simple minded because she does not speak our language and it seems to suit her just fine."

Karal is a Fighter unlocked at the Hunter's Lodge. Investing in the Hunter's Lodge will grant her experience points and will also boost her power temporarily. Leveling up the Hunter's Lodge increases her level cap. Karal maxes out at level 30.

Hero Quests[]

As you raise your heroe's levels you will be able to send them out on personal quests, earning you exp, gems, and some background story on the character.

Quest 1 - Pet Savers[]

"Karal's pet animal missing. It make Karal sad. We must go now to find it."
Requirements: Karal level 6
Hero - Karal
Equipment - Hunting Axe
Hero - Melina
Equipment - N/a
Recommended Power - 1,100
Xp Gained - 455
Quest Time - 1h
Quest Reward - 10 Gems

Quest 2 - Keeping Warm[]

"Karal needs new clothes for winter. We go destroy monster to take fur for clothes!"
Requirements: Karal level 12
Hero - Karal
Equipment - Lion Boots
Hero - Palash
Equipment - Crossbow
Hero - Theor
Equipment - Tower Shield
Recommended Power - 2,800
Xp Gained - 4,900
Quest Time - 6h
Quest Reward - 15 Gems

Quest 3 - Winter Woes[]

"Karal's pet sick from catching cold. We go get more fur to make pet clothes."
Requirements: Karal level 20
Hero - Karal
Equipment - Health Potion
Hero - Kurul
Equipment - Good Lava Axe
Hero - Irene
Equipment - Fire Gun
Hero - Minh
Equipment - Jade Amulet
Recommended Power - About 6000
Xp Gained - 50,000
Quest Time - 1d4h
Quest Reward - 25 Gems
Completion Flavor Text - "Karal destroy many monster and take fur, ha!"

Flavor Text[]

Greeting - "I am Karal."
Discount - "More for Karal!"
Surcharge - "Karal not bring enough!"
Compliment Success - "Karal laughs!"
Compliment Failure - "Karal bored."
Suggest - "Karal agrees."
"I am Karal."
Refuse - "Karal sad."
Sell - "I am Karal!"
Bargain - "I am Karal."

Experience Chart []

Hero Level Experience Needed
Level 1 N/A
Level 2 30
Level 3 100
Level 4 210
Level 5 400
Level 6 740
Level 7 1,250
Level 8 2,050
Level 9 3,250
Level 10 5,000
Level 11 8,600
Level 12 13,000
Level 13 19,500
Level 14 28,500
Level 15 42,000
Level 16 60,500
Level 17 87,500
Level 18 125,000
Level 19 180,000
Level 20 255,000
Level 21 395,000
Level 22 560,000
Level 23 790,000
Level 24 1,100,00
Level 25 1,550,000
Level 26 2,200,000
Level 27 3,050,000
Level 28 4,300,000
Level 29 6,000,000
Level 30 8,350,000
Level 31 13,500,000
Level 32 19,000,000
Level 33 26,500,000
Level 34 37,500,000
Level 35 52,000,000
Level 36 72,500,000
Level 37 100,000,000
Level 38 140,000,000
Level 39 195,000,000
Level 40 275,000,000

